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used的用法和搭配 \"used\"可以用作形容词或动词,下面是一些常见的用法和搭配:1. 作形容词时,表示“习惯于、惯常的”,常用于以下搭配: - be used to + 名词/动名词/代词/从句:习惯于做某事 - get use



1. 作形容词时,表示“习惯于、惯常的”,常用于以下搭配:
- be used to + 名词/动名词/代词/从句:习惯于做某事
- get used to + 名词/动名词/代词/从句:逐渐习惯于做某事
- used to + 动词原形:过去常常做某事,现在不再做
I'm used to getting up early in the morning. (我习惯早起)
She's getting used to living alone. (她正在逐渐习惯独居)
I used to S Moke, but I quit last year. (我过去常抽烟,但去年戒了)

2. 作动词时,表示“使用、利用、消耗”,常用于以下搭配:
- use sth. (to do sth.):使用某物做某事
- use up:用完,耗尽
- be used for/to:被用于做某事
I use my phone to check emails. (我用手机查邮件)
We used up all the milk. (我们把所有牛奶都用完了)
This tool is used for cutting wood. (这个工具用来切木头)

3. \"used\"还可以用作名词,表示“旧货”,常用于以下搭配:
- used goods:二手货
- used car:二手车
He bought a used car from his friend. (他从朋友那里买了一辆二手车)


\"Used\"可以用作动词的过去式,表示过去曾经使用或经历过某物或某种情况。例如:\"I used to live in New York\" (我过去住在纽约);\"He used his phone to take pictures\" (他用手机拍照片)。

\"Used\"还可以用作形容词,表示已经被使用过的,或者是习惯了某种情况。例如:\"This is a used car\" (这是一辆二手车);\"I'm used to getting up early\" (我已经习惯早起了)。

此外,\"used to\"也可以表示过去的习惯或经常做某事,例如:\"I used to go swimming every day\" (我过去每天都去游泳)。




Q: Did you use the computer last night?
A: Yes, I used the computer to finish my report.

Q: Are you used to living in a big city?
A: No, I'm not used to living in a big city yet.



1. 作为动词,表示“使用”或“习惯于”:
- I used the computer to finish my homework.(我用电脑完成了我的作业。)
- She is used to getting up early.(她习惯早起。)

2. 作为形容词,表示“旧的,二手的”:
- I bought a used car.(我买了一辆二手车。)

3. 作为形容词,表示“习惯于”:
- He is used to working long hours.(他习惯于工作长时间。)

4. 作为介词后的固定搭配:
- be used to + V-ing:表示“习惯于做某事”:
- I am used to getting up early.(我习惯早起。)
- be used to + 名词/代词:表示“习惯于某种情况”:
- She is used to the hot weather.(她习惯于炎热的天气。)
- be used for + 名词:表示“被用于某种目的”:
- This tool is used for cutting wood.(这个工具用于切割木头。)
- be used as + 名词:表示“被用作某种东西”:
- This room can be used as a study.(这个房间可以用作书房。)





get used to的用法和搭配

\"get used to\" 是一个常用的英语短语,意思是“习惯于”。


1. get used to + 名词/代词:习惯于某种事物,比如:

- It took me a while to get used to the new job.
- She's still getting used to living in a big city.

2. get used to + 动名词/动词不定式:习惯于做某种事情,比如:

- I'm trying to get used to waking up early.
- He needs to get used to speaking in public.

3. be used to + 名词/代词/动名词/动词不定式:已经习惯于某种事物或做某种事情,比如:

- She's used to the cold weather.
- They're used to working long hours.

需要注意的是,\"get used to\" 是一个可分割的动词短语,所以在句子中可以有其他单词插入其中,比如:

- I'm slowly getting used to the idea of moving to a new city.

